I have the great fortune of being from one of the most biodiverse
places in the world. The rich cultural and natural diversity of my home
country, Ecuador, has led me to pursue studies that integrate the natural and
social sciences in order to conserve the environment, and at the same time
promote social-economic development of the communities that depend on local natural resources. A degree in
Ecotourism and a graduate degree in Ecology have helped me integrate human and
natural systems and further my interests in understanding the different
environmental challenges that Ecuador and Latin America are facing today from a
holistic and integrative point of view.
I started my PhD studies in fall 2013 in the Department of Geography.
I am student in the NEO program because my main research aims are focused in
Latin America. The development of my PhD research proposal is a continuation of
Master’s thesis developed in San Cristobal Island in 2010. The research was
focused on assessing the changes of the white fin fishery using an iconic
species (Galapagos grouper, Micteroperca olfax) as an indicator
of broader changes to the ecological community. Using fishers’
ecological knowledge and shifting baselines as the methodological
approach, I assessed changes in the practice of this fishery and the status of
the main fishing target species due to almost 70 years of continued fishing
activity. Additionally, this study briefly explored
social-ecological relationships amongst the fishermen’
household and their fishing activity.
Biodiversity conservation is important, especially in sensitive places
as the Galapagos Islands. However, it creates potential conflicts (trade-offs)
amongst stakeholders, most notably between external, science-based, educated
and often wealthy elites, and local households and resource users. The goal of conservation management research
is to find “win-win” outcomes, but these
are rare and may depend on the narrative selected to assess outcomes. Outcomes
are influenced by power imbalances at many levels, from institutions at the
global and national level, to the level of individuals within the community. In
this regard, sustainable development implies both non-destructive use of environmental resources, and acceptable levels of social justice for stakeholders.
Marine protected areas (MPAs) have demonstrated their effectiveness as a tool to preserve natural resources; however, their management and enforcement policies have substantial socio-cultural impacts, which have produced poor local consensus, and in some cases, hostility among social groups. Although effective for conservation purposes, this management tool has shown examples of unequal access of natural resources by different economic sectors within the protected area. For instance, the inherent economic advantages enjoyed by the tourism industry have marginalized the fishery and agricultural sector in terms of access and control of some MPAs.
Tourism, and the income it generates, is
cited as an option that can support sustainable development in biodiversity
conservation sites. It can bridge opposing expectations because, in theory, it
gives market value to biodiversity resources and so, on the one hand, should
ensure their protection, and on the other, should provide substitutes for other
local livelihoods. There are clearly inherent contradictions in this approach.
Most notably, the idea of increasing the number of guests and providing
improved infrastructure and services for them in areas whose value derives precisely
from the lack of prior exposure and development. In addition, the idea that providing local residents with
new livelihood options that are necessarily based on limiting flexibility in
exploiting environmental resources, will not eventually stimulate rising
expectations and place new demands on the protected resource base.
Galapagos Islands are unique, not only in the geographic and
ecological characteristics, but also by virtue of their status as a focus of
conservation management. The value of the biodiversity resource is
unquestioned, the importance of tourism as a way of “monetizing” that value is well
advanced, and the stresses arising from the inherent paradoxes of this approach
are evident as human population levels rise, tourist infrastructure increases,
and the ecological impacts of tourism industry intensify. Moreover, the
expectations of local populations continue to evolve, both with respect to
individual livelihood expectations and to the understanding of the nature and importance
of decision-making processes. Local rights, aspirations, capabilities and
demands are essential elements of the islands’
My research considers both social and ecological indicators to compare
three populated islands with respect to drivers and impacts of environmental
change, and their effects on the interactions amongst stakeholders. The
objective is to provide an understanding of the Galapagos’
system. The reason for attempting to replicate the assessment in the
three islands is that certain factors are held constant across the islands
(notably national and international actors and management interventions and
legal frameworks), while other factors (notably population size, history, and
livelihood options) are different. This comparison will allow some control of
variables that influence the effectiveness of local engagement in conservation, tourism, resource exploitation, and decision-making.
Identifying the socio-cultural, economic, and
political differences of the three islands in relation to resource-based
livelihoods in the face of tourism development will contribute to the
understanding of the islands as subsystems, and advance the knowledge of the
overall Galapagos social-ecological system. Given the intense effort that has
gone into developing a management structure for this archipelago, it is
expected that identifying differences in outcomes amongst the islands will help
provide insights for its adaptive management, and sustainable development.
Finally, considering the intense effort that has gone into developing the
management structures in the Galapagos, it is expected that evidence of
successes and failures in their management will provide valuable information
for other biodiversity conservation initiatives in other parts of the
Burbano, D.V.
2011. Shifting baselines en la pesca blanca
de Galápagos: relaciones socio-ecológicas en ambientes marinos. Ms.c. Thesis Ecology. Universidad San
Francisco de Quito, Ecuador.
Burbano, D.V., C.F. Mena, P. Guarderas, L.
Vinueza, and G. Reck. 2014. Shifting baselines in the Galapagos white fin fishery: Using fisher’s anecdotes to
reassess fisheries management. The case of the Galapagos grouper. In: J.
Denkinger and L. Vinueza (eds.) The Galapagos Marine Reserve: A dynamic
social-ecological system. Social and Ecological Sustainability in the Galapagos
Islands. Springer Science+Business Media, New York.
Photos: Alfonso Tandazo, Diana Burbano